




What To Do if You Get in a Car Wreck While in An Uber or Lyft

Posted in Car Accident,Personal Injury on July 12, 2024

Whether you’re a Nashville native or visiting for vacation, there’s a high chance you’re using Uber or other ride-sharing services to safely get around, especially during a night out.

While choosing to ride-share is a smart decision to avoid drunk or distracted driving, accidents can still happen. These services require that their drivers undergo background checks, but they can’t control all drivers’ behaviors, which can include things like speeding, driving under the influence, and even reckless endangerment of their passengers. It’s important to know how to protect yourself if your Uber driver gets into an accident while on your ride, or if you get hit by an Uber driver.

If you were in an Uber or ride-share accident, here’s what you can do:

  1. Call 911. Calling 911 dispatches a police officer who can create an official crash report and direct traffic away from the crash scene. It also dispatches an ambulance with paramedics who can treat you and other victims at the scene.
  2. Get medical attention. You need immediate treatment for your injuries and to rule out any hidden internal injuries. Getting treated right away also creates an official record of your injuries, which is important if you decide to pursue an injury claim.
  3. Gather evidence. While on site, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles involved and the location where the accident took place. Get the contact information of everyone involved, including both drivers and any other riders. You should also save screenshots or records of the ride on Uber/Lyft, including your receipt, ride request, and a photo of the Uber/Lyft plaque or sticker on the car.
  4. Report the crash to the App. Let whichever application you use know what happened by reporting the accident to them. You can easily submit a crash to Uber here, and to Lyft here.
  5. Call a lawyer. There are many ways for auto accident claims to hit snags. In many cases, insurers simply refuse to pay fair settlements or any money at all to victims. Having an experienced lawyer on your side can help you avoid the biggest headaches associated with auto accident claims, especially when there’s a third party, like a ride-sharing app, involved.

These Crashes Require Experienced Legal Representation

Ride-share apps typically have coverage, but the nuance of coverage will depend on the exact circumstances of the accident. For instance, Uber typically has insurance that covers at least $1,000,000 for property damage and injuries to riders and third parties involved in an accident where the Uber driver is at fault.

However, insurance companies are notoriously reluctant to pay victims compensation after all types of crashes, including those where a ride-share app is involved.

While you may hear often that ‘Ubers have large insurance policies’ that can be misleading. If your uber driver is at fault for a collision, that is most likely true. But if your uber driver was not at fault for a collision and the other driver had no insurance, there may not be anything to recover. Always make sure to carry your own uninsured motorist coverage if at all possible to protect against a situation like that.

At Matt Hardin Law, our Nashville auto accident lawyers know what it takes to win injury claims involving buses, tractor-trailers, and other specialty vehicles. We know that the businesses, governments, and insurers behind these vehicles are often uncooperative, but our experience means we can get the best possible results for injured victims throughout Middle Tennessee.

Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll work hard to get you fair compensation for your damages.